An open source library for artificial neural networks.
OpenANN::ActionSpace | Represents the action space in a reinforcement learning problem |
net.Activation | |
metalearning.AdaBoost | |
OpenANN::Agent | A (learning) agent in a reinforcement learning problem |
OpenANN::TriangleConstraint::AngleTuple | |
metalearning.Bagging | |
BCIDataSet::BCIDataCache | |
CIFARLoader | Loads the CIFAR-10 dataset |
CMAES< T > | |
CMAES< double > | |
OpenANN::CompressionMatrixFactory | Creates several types of matrices for compression |
preprocessing.Compressor | |
OpenANN::SigmaPi::Constraint | A helper class for specifying weight constrains in a higher-order neural network Derive a new class from this interface and simple reimplement the function call operator for the corresponding higher-order term |
OpenANN::DataSet | Data set interface |
dataset.DataSet | |
OpenANN::DataStream | Streams training data for online training |
dataset.DataStream | |
Decimator | |
Distorter | Creates distorted images |
DoubleExponentialSmoothing | |
OpenANN::EnsembleLearner | |
net.Error | |
OpenANN::Evaluator | Evaluates a Learner |
std::exception | STL class |
OpenANN::FloatingPointFormatter | Wraps a value and its precision for logging |
OpenANN::SigmaPi::HigherOrderUnit | |
IDXLoader | |
preprocessing.KMeans | |
OpenANN::Layer | Interface that has to be implemented by all layers of a neural network that can be trained with backpropagation |
layer.Layer | |
net.Learner | |
OpenANN::Log | Global logger |
util.Log | |
OpenANN::Logger | A local logger that can redirect messages to several targets |
preprocessing.Normalization | |
util.OpenANN | |
OpenANN::OpenANNLibraryInfo | Provides information about the OpenANN library |
OpenANN::Optimizable | Represents an optimizable object |
optimization.Optimizer | |
OpenANN::Optimizer | The common interface of all optimization algorithms |
OpenANN::OutputInfo | Provides information about the output of a layer |
Parameters< T > | |
Parameters< double > | |
preprocessing.PCA | |
QGLWidget | |
util.RandomNumberGenerator | |
OpenANN::RandomNumberGenerator | A utility class that simplifies the generation of random numbers |
OpenANN::Regularization | Holds all information related to regularization terms in an error function |
OpenANN::StateSpace | Represents the state space in a reinforcement learning problem |
optimization.StoppingCriteria | |
OpenANN::StoppingCriteria | Stopping criteria for optimization algorithms |
OpenANN::StoppingInterrupt | A system-independent interface for checking interrupts that can signals the end of the optimization process externally |
Stopwatch | |
preprocessing.Transformation | |
OpenANN::Transformer | Common base for all transformations |
preprocessing.ZCAWhitening |