| IntrinsicPlasticity (int nodes, double mu, double stdDev=1.0) |
virtual unsigned int | examples () |
| Request number of training examples. More...
virtual unsigned int | dimension () |
| Request the number of optimizable parameters. More...
virtual bool | providesInitialization () |
| Check if the object knows how to initialize its parameters. More...
virtual void | initialize () |
| Initialize the optimizable parameters. More...
virtual double | error () |
| Compute error on training set. More...
virtual double | error (unsigned int n) |
virtual const Eigen::VectorXd & | currentParameters () |
| Request the current parameters. More...
virtual void | setParameters (const Eigen::VectorXd ¶meters) |
| Set new parameters. More...
virtual bool | providesGradient () |
| Check if the object provides a gradient of the error function with respect to its parameters. More...
virtual Eigen::VectorXd | gradient () |
| Compute gradient of the error function with respect to the parameters. More...
virtual Eigen::VectorXd | gradient (unsigned int n) |
virtual Eigen::VectorXd | operator() (const Eigen::VectorXd &a) |
| Make a prediction. More...
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd | operator() (const Eigen::MatrixXd &A) |
| Make predictions. More...
virtual OutputInfo | initialize (std::vector< double * > ¶meterPointers, std::vector< double * > ¶meterDerivativePointers) |
| Fill in the parameter pointers and parameter derivative pointers. More...
virtual void | initializeParameters () |
| Initialize the parameters. More...
virtual void | updatedParameters () |
| Generate internal parameters from externally visible parameters. More...
virtual void | forwardPropagate (Eigen::MatrixXd *x, Eigen::MatrixXd *&y, bool dropout, double *error=0) |
| Forward propagation in this layer. More...
virtual void | backpropagate (Eigen::MatrixXd *ein, Eigen::MatrixXd *&eout, bool backpropToPrevious) |
| Backpropagation in this layer. More...
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd & | getOutput () |
| Output after last forward propagation. More...
virtual Eigen::VectorXd | getParameters () |
| Get the current values of parameters (weights, biases, ...). More...
| Learner () |
virtual | ~Learner () |
virtual Learner & | trainingSet (Eigen::MatrixXd &input, Eigen::MatrixXd &output) |
| Set training set. More...
virtual Learner & | trainingSet (DataSet &trainingSet) |
| Set training set. More...
virtual Learner & | removeTrainingSet () |
| Remove the training set from the learner. More...
virtual Learner & | validationSet (Eigen::MatrixXd &input, Eigen::MatrixXd &output) |
| Set validation set. More...
virtual Learner & | validationSet (DataSet &validationSet) |
| Set validation set. More...
virtual Learner & | removeValidationSet () |
| Remove the validation set from the learner. More...
virtual | ~Optimizable () |
virtual void | finishedIteration () |
| This callback is called after each optimization algorithm iteration. More...
virtual double | error (unsigned n) |
| Compute error of a given training example. More...
virtual Eigen::VectorXd | gradient (unsigned n) |
| Compute gradient of a given training example. More...
virtual void | errorGradient (int n, double &value, Eigen::VectorXd &grad) |
| Calculates the function value and gradient of a training example. More...
virtual void | errorGradient (double &value, Eigen::VectorXd &grad) |
| Calculates the function value and gradient of all training examples. More...
virtual Eigen::VectorXd | error (std::vector< int >::const_iterator startN, std::vector< int >::const_iterator endN) |
| Calculates the errors of given training examples. More...
virtual Eigen::VectorXd | gradient (std::vector< int >::const_iterator startN, std::vector< int >::const_iterator endN) |
| Calculates the accumulated gradient of given training examples. More...
virtual void | errorGradient (std::vector< int >::const_iterator startN, std::vector< int >::const_iterator endN, double &value, Eigen::VectorXd &grad) |
| Calculates the accumulated gradient and error of given training examples. More...
virtual | ~Layer () |
Learns the parameters of a logistic sigmoid activation function.
Activation functions of the form
with slopes
and biases
are adapted such that the output distribution is approximately exponential with mean
and with respect to a input distribution given by a training set. This procedure prevents saturation. Note that changing the incoming weights might require readjustment.
[1] Jochen Triesch: A Gradient Rule for the Plasticity of a Neuron’s Intrinsic Excitability, Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, pp. 1–7, 2005.
[2] Jochen Triesch: Synergies between intrinsic and synaptic plasticity mechanisms, Neural Computation 19, pp. 885-909, 2007.